左:《Weinende Frau》(1997),托馬斯.舒特,作品於沙尼市中心展出,圖片由Pietro Spartà藝廊提供;右:Pietro Spartà於托馬斯.舒特作品前,拍攝於2022年9月,照片由Louis Canadas為藝+巴黎:由巴塞爾藝術展呈獻拍攝
左:《Weinende Frau》(1997),托馬斯.舒特,作品於沙尼市中心展出,圖片由Pietro Spartà藝廊提供;右:Pietro Spartà於托馬斯.舒特作品前,拍攝於2022年9月,照片由Louis Canadas為藝+巴黎:由巴塞爾藝術展呈獻拍攝
Pietro Spartà藝廊首個展覽海報,由芭芭拉·克魯格設計,圖片由藝術家和位於沙尼的Pietro Spartà藝廊提供
Pietro Spartà藝廊首個展覽海報,由芭芭拉·克魯格設計,圖片由藝術家和位於沙尼的Pietro Spartà藝廊提供
Installation view of Niki de Saint Phalle’s exhibition ‘The 1980s and 1990s: Art Running Free’ at Les Abattoirs, Musée – Frac Occitanie, Toulouse, 2023. Photograph by Boris Conte. Courtesy of Niki Charitable Art Foundation and ADAGP Paris.
Installation view of Niki de Saint Phalle’s exhibition ‘The 1980s and 1990s: Art Running Free’ at Les Abattoirs, Musée – Frac Occitanie, Toulouse, 2023. Photograph by Boris Conte. Courtesy of Niki Charitable Art Foundation and ADAGP Paris.
Installation view of ‘Constellation’ at MAGNIN-A, Paris, 2023. Courtesy of the artists and MAGNIN-A.
Installation view of ‘Constellation’ at MAGNIN-A, Paris, 2023. Courtesy of the artists and MAGNIN-A.
Installation views of Bianca Bondi’s work Beltane Oracle in ‘Au-delà: Rituals for a new world’, Lafayette Anticipations, Paris, 2023. Courtesy of the artist.
Installation views of Bianca Bondi’s work Beltane Oracle in ‘Au-delà: Rituals for a new world’, Lafayette Anticipations, Paris, 2023. Courtesy of the artist.
